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Do you suffer from Sciatica? 😩

Do you know someone who does?  🤔

We are here to help. 👨‍⚕️


Did you know...

Research has proven that chiropractic corrective care decreases sciatic nerve pain by removing neurological interference and restoring proper biomechanics

to the lumbar spine.


Here are the results: 👇👇


  • Decreased low back and leg pain significantly 🤗

  • Improved lumbar spine range of motion 🏃‍♀️

  • Decreased muscle spasm and inflammation 🙆🏼‍♂️

  • Reduced leg numbness and tingling ⚡️

  • Decreased medication consumption and medical expenses 🤮

  • Reduced possibility of low back surgeries and injections 💉

  • Chiropractic is just as, or more, effective in treating sciatica as surgery in 60% of cases 🔪


    People of all ages benefit from chiropractic care because it restores optimal function to the

    nervous system, allowing the body to heal from the inside out, without drugs or surgeries. Whom do you know that would benefit from a healthy, functioning nervous system?


    Our clinic adopts professional procedures to meet the specific needs of each patient.  

    Many of our patients note positive changes in their symptoms immediately following treatment. 



    Call Our Office Today 📞

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    ALL FOR ONLY $99


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    Marketing Schedule & Downloads

    Click the Condition(s) Below to Download Digital and Print Media

    1) January: Neuropathy
    2) February: Fibromyalgia
    3) March: Back Pain
    4) April: Migraine Headaches
    5) May: Sinus & Allergies
    6) June: Sciatica
    7) July: ADHD
    8) August: Asthma
    9) September: Headaches
    10) October: Low Back Pain
    11) November: Blood Pressure
    12) December: Stress & Fatigue
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